Oprah moment
I was watching Oprah yesterday and Brooke Shields was on talking about her post partum depression. She made a comment about how after her daughter was born she thought to herself she didn't want to be a mother, and that she didn't want her baby.
The memory came back to me of when I had those same thoughts. It's so hard to admit that. Ben was 2 days old when I remember laying in bed thinking "what did I do?" "I don't want him" "I made a mistake, I don't want to be a mother". "Can I take this back?"
Now I can't believe I ever thought that way, because I don't love anyone more than my boys and nothing makes me happier than being a mom. It doesn't matter how many times Ben drives me crazy with his whining fits or talking back to us, or how Jared refuses to stop fussing unless we stand up to hold him for what feels like hours at a time, I wouldn't trade them for anything. They're so great, sometimes I'm crazy enough to want more just like them (if it just weren't for that pregnancy thing).
What a blessing and honor it is to be a Mommy.